Friday, December 24, 2010

Dec. 24, 2010

     Had my 5th chemotherapy yesterday.  All is well on the front lines, stomach pretty good, eating well, slept well.  Doctors report was very good!  He said my heart is good, my white count was good, and he gave me the standard dose of all my drugs.  I have gained another pound and a half, although it seems that it should be more considering all I have been eating!!  All in all, I am feeling very well.  The PET scan I had a few weeks ago showed almost all the lymphoma gone!  Just a small area near my collarbone which is mostly gone!  I am very thankful to be doing so well, feeling my energy return, my flesh come back, and the hope that I may live to see my great-grandkids return!
     I am turning my attention to the battle as it wages on a cellular level. I have been reading and questioning all my doctors about what is involved in Epstein-Barr virus caused lymphoma.  Apparently the virus can damage DNA, messing with the code inside.  Usually your immune system destroys such cells, but under some unknown circumstances, maybe your immune system is just a little down, one of these cells can escape detection and begin to multiply at a much greater rate than your normal cells.  Also, these virus damaged cells don't die as they have lost their normal instructions.  A normal white blood cell lives about 3 weeks, and then is replaced by a new white cell formed in the bone marrow.  But the damaged cell group quickly takes over the other white cells, multiplying and birthing more damaged cells, and it eventually causes lymphoma.  
     So, the question is how do I remain a "good steward" of the healthy body God gave me in the future?  I am on a quest to educate myself from all areas of thought, from conventional medicine, naturalpathic medicine, acupuncture, etc. to do all I can to keep the health the Lord has restored to me.  I believe this to be the prudent direction to go in the future.  After all, even though we know the Lord will heal us, we still are responsible to drive carefully, eat healthy, exercise, basically do what we can to keep healthy, or to be a good steward of the healthy bodies God gave us.
       Again, my thoughts go the the soldier in an earthly battle.  He trusts in the wisdom from his commanders, who are undoubtedly spending hours both alone and collectively pouring over every detail they can gather concerning the enemy and how he works.  Can they learn enough to "figure out the enemy" in order to thwart his next attack?  Can he be beaten even before he strikes, thus saving many troops from battle?  Can they be smarter than him?  If so, they can happily release the soldiers from the burden of war and send them home to their lives and loves.  Our troops are trusting in the wisdom of their commanding team, and are ready to move forward or retreat if bidden.  They are ready to fight, risking their lives if need be, to protect the greater good.  How heroic they are!  I feel weak in comparison, but thankfully I don't stand alone in this war!  I have a faithful force of prayer partners, a great family who are ever waiting to do my bidding, a terrific husband who gives me strength and direction on an earthly level, but most of all a loving God who holds my hand, comforts me and gives me hope.  He has actually done the fighting for me and replaced my disease with health!  He has given me beauty for ashes, and I can never thank Him enough!!
     Why do we wait so long before completely turning to Him in trouble or in happy times?  What is it about us that makes us think we can do things independently from Him?   Do we think Him to be too busy?  Are we afraid He will straddle us with a job we are hesitant to do?   Rethink your life habits.  Turn to Him quickly and often - you will only receive blessing!!
                                                                                      Merry Christmas!!

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