Sunday, October 24, 2010

trial blog

     Started chemotherapy today and it was fine.  I guess I was expecting to be dizzy or something!  I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma about 2 weeks ago, although we knew there was a good chance I had lymphoma about a month ago.  Happily, my oncologist says this cancer is very very treatable and even curable.  We were happy to hear that.  She assures me that my chances for totally getting rid of this are "excellent".
     So, I started chemo armed with my faith in my Lord - who IS the healer - many many prayer warriors - and several anti-nausea drugs.  I marched out of my house at 8 this morning (Oct. 22) with weapons in hand - my bible, some white jewelry (a reminder that god has given me a scripture that He will "turn my darkness into light") and my general (my wise and loving husband).  The nurses were very careful and caring, I even got a 20 minute foot massage while there from a former patient in massage school trying to "give back".  After 5 hours, Michael and I left with the smell of victory in our nostrils!
     The remainder of the day has been good - I have been able to eat really well!! And we feel so good to FINALLY be started on treatment! 

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